I research underexplored use cases as a fellow at the Ethereum Foundation. I also maintain the Mechanism Library, a resource for designing better onchain systems.

Previously, I contributed to Agentcoin and served as Venture Partner for Portal Ventures. Before that, I cofounded dOrg—the first service DAO and first legally wrapped DAO—and coauthored the DAO Model Law, now enacted in multiple jurisdictions.

Since entering the space in 2015, I’ve focused on exporting disintermediation to new domains. If you’re exploring similar frontiers—especially in commerce (DeCom), credit (CoFi), or government services—let’s talk.

Selected appearances:
No Bosses, TIME
The First Limited Liability DAO, Coindesk
The Networked Firm, Princeton
Institutions of the Future, Stanford
RetroPGF, GreenPill - Bankless